When misaligned, the human frame cannot handle the compressive forces of gravity. This causes a spiral or torsional collapse of the body and ultimately an anterior slouch. Its effects are global and unforgiving to the nervous system, the joints, the muscles, and compress our vital organs, etc. This is a body subluxation. Today’s misalignments are degeneratingwith more rapidity due to multiple traumas. Multiple traumas create OOPM (Out of Pattern Misalignments) that are not capable of compensating to biomechanical normal. They collapse under gravity and this compression must be released first for a correction to unwind (decompress), become orthogonal, release to Tensegrity, and reach a neutral energy state Fig. 1. If not, thestress load will increase and our energy state will diminish to a state of dis-ease.  Atraditional approach to restore Orthogonal and Tensegrity as “factory settings”without decompression will increase the compression state and instability. The protocol to correction requires a multiple headpiece sequence.


QSM3 is the first chiropractic correction that has shiftedfrom traditional thoughts to a newbiomechanics paradigm necessary to restore Orthogonal and Tensegrity together using a full 3D algorithm. From the release of this compression syndrome, the human posture is in its least stressed and most energized state of physical stability and energy flow. We get a two for one here…the nervous system open and the structural stability. But as QSM3 Upper Cervical doctors, new questions show up, not to just help the planet, but to grow our profession. That is Purpose. Questions like: Is there a pattern to releasing the resistant pathways themselves? What is the best angle and place to release them completely? What is the optimal energy generation approach? These represent a few in the think tank. Knowing how to play and than playing the game are the two halves that make a whole.

This is the difference between “knowing and showing”.

This is known as the ‘connectivity’ of the correction. The first connectivity is of the doctor as his or herpersonal dynamic motion that creates optimal energy flow, and the second connectivity the doctor to the to the patient’s resistance. The first is the swing and the secondis finding the contact ‘sweet spot’ on the baseball bat.The perfect dynamic form of the doctor and perfect connection to the pathway ‘using least effort and creating max energy’.

Last month, we spoke about the first stage of connectivity …the swing. This is the interval from foot plant to right before contact.  As a brief review from last months article, we first set our contact foot forward. We then shift our weight to front foot, the elbows come into full extension, the wrist is taught in 25% extension and ulnar deviation, as it moves to hook the resistance.  The triceps are in a push-pull dynamic swing from foot plant to hip explosion and than to arm extension. Last months article will detail this for review.

Remember to feel the terrain prior to any releasing. Getting comfortable and powerful is step one.  Finding resistance is a palpatory kinesthetic skill and is the initial step of patient connectivity. Once mastering this phase, you can move on to the doctor-patientconnectivity.  Questions like…Can you overcome all of the pathways? Are you releasing all of the resistant pathways completely?  Is there a pattern to releasing them? These are the questions answered through the mastery of the patient-doctor connectivity stage. The better the connectivity to the resistances and there releaseis dependent on your patient connectivity. The connectivity allows complete release as it overcomes every line associated with this Myofascial Grid.

The components associated with this connectivity between the doctor and the patient is the angle and access points.

The angle of release is only available when the doctor is most relaxed and connected to what he or she is doing.  It is a feeling of “no interference”.  It is a clear space. Physically, pathways are relatively parallel to the skin, so to hook them your angle of approach must be steep (fig.2). I presently accomplish this by having one foot off the platform. I imagine I will raise the table one day soon. When you are ‘personally & patient connected’,and have now accessed the terrain, you are ready to ‘swing at the pitch’.

The mass is set against the resistance dynamically as the foot weight moves forward until it reaches max tension. Max tension isthe connectivity point where the mass of the doctor is against the resistance at thecorrect angle, and where the center of gravity of the stance of the doctor is balanced.

Full Power against Max Tension of the Resistance.

Up to this point prior to max tension, the potential energy was created from the mass of the doctor as the weight shifted from back foot to front foot. What overcomes the resistance from here is the wrist lever. This conversion from potential to kinetic energy occurs becausethe wrist lever goes to full 100 % extension and ulnar deviation. This action is greater than the max tension at the Golgi tendon organs and hence they are released. This is also enough energy to overcome the resistance of causative and compensatory tensionscreated from the 3D spiral collapse. The motion and conversion are depicted in fig. 2. as the pisiform hooks, scoops, and releases. The release almost occurs off the skin in an upward scoop created by the complete extension and ulnar deviation.

The release comes without effort. Stretching that resistance means hooking your pisiform on the resistance and synergistically releasing it as ONE (you and the patient). The ONE is moving it against its field of motion. That angle is across fiber, fast, and never down into the body like the traditional thrust.


In Figure 3., we can see the fundamental differencebetween a QSM3 correction and the traditional approach.  The QSM3 goal is to release the body from the misalignment, its compressive effects, and allowing Tensegrity. The traditional approach is to move a bone.  The QSM3 approach encompasses the full body.  As it releases all the restraints of the collapsing system back to orthogonal as a unit, it also works synergistically with the body’s normal correction path. This means the QSM3 correction allows a full return to orthogonal from short leg to skull tilt.


A traditional compressive thrust cannot allow for decompression & Tensegrity.

So as the doctor dynamically sets his or her mass and creates the connectivity in his her joints (pisiform to feet), the doctor can then connect with theresistance using the least effort. As the mass moves through the resistant line to maximum tension, the wrist hooks and extends to complete tension/tension (wrist and resistance). This will release the pathway as the pick of a guitar (pisiform) strums the guitar string (resistance) and creates many different types of audibles.  These are contingent on type and location of the release line.

The process is dynamic, relaxed and deliberate. Relax your mind and enter the field where only you and the patient exist.  That process is not seeing two connecting, but rather ONE unit together as you connect with intense focus.

Fight it as your tradition … and continue to suffer.

Or flow with it…Enjoy it… and watch as you Open Innate.